540.470.8713                            augustaairsoftllc@gmail.com

Waiver and Rules

It is mandtory that you sign the waiver

    1. Consumption of or possession of drugs and alcohol prior to, during, or after the event is strictly and expressly prohibited.** Inappropriate language is strictly and expressly prohibited. 
    1.  FPS is measured in Joules. 1.5 Joules. 400 FPS limit with .20 gram, 6 millimeter BBs for chronograph purposes. HPA Chono with .40 gram. Bolt Action rifles are allowed to 550 with a 100 Min Eng Distance. We are a semi auto field. The only replicas allowed to use full auto are lmg replicas and then short bursts only with a 40 foot min eng distance.
    1. Biodegradable BBs are preferred. Think of the environment and be a good example.
    1. Goggles or glasses meeting the ANSI Z87.1 standard with a full seal around the eyes are required. Non-sealed goggles or glasses, even if they meet the ANSI Z87.1 standard, are not allowed.
    1. Once game is called, do not clear or fire your weapons until you have reached the safe zone designated by the operators. Uncontrolled fire after game has been called is not permitted.*
    1. Blind Man — If a person is seriously injured or is in need of medical care, call out “blind man” loudly. This will stop the entire game so that staff can attend to the person. This call out is strictly for injury related purposes  only. Keep eye pro on at all times.
    1. Do not move objects found on the field or inside buildings to create cover or barricade entryways. Do not break windows. Do not bother wildlife – bees, bunnies, birds and deer are friends.
  1. No profanity, arguing or fighting.**This is a friendly environment.  Remember this is just a silly kids game. Treat others as you want to be treated and have an attitude of gratitude.



PLAYER RESPONSIBILITY FOR INJURY — Upon participating in Augusta Airsoft events, all players agree to abide by these rules. Augusta Airsoft cannot be held responsible for injuries stemming from play conducted outside these guidelines. Players not obeying the aforementioned rules have full and sole liability for injuries or damages to themselves or other players.



If specific game requirements are set in the briefing (e.g. destruction of key objectives with another, specific attainable objective), the objective will NOT be awarded to a team if players try to circumvent scenario rules.  This includes boundaries, semi auto fire, and medic procedures, etc.


    1. Semi auto only for rifles and pistols. If playing with an LMG – No Full Auto within 40 feet. There are no safety kills.
    1. Eg 67 Frag Grenades eliminate players with bbs. Smoke grenades just provide smoke. Thunder bs with bbs eliminate, no bbs are just a distraction device.
    1. Please aim center mass. Treat others as you want to be treated. There are no safety kills at AA.
  1. Please say good shot, good job. It is a rule – Say hit hit hit, good job good shot, pull dead rag. Dead rags are provided and replacements are available all day. Playing without a dead rag is not acceptable. You will get overshot, and you will not be happy. The dead rags are the only way we identify eliminated players, please respect this rule. 


Calling Out – Call “Hit, Hit Hit!” “Say good job good shot” raise your gun, and use a red dead rag immediately. If firefight is too intense to leave, stay down until it is clear to move. All hits on gear worn on the body constitute a hit. Gun hits and ricochet hits do not count.* You must have and use a dead rag. *When in doubt, call yourself OUT.

If you are dead, you must display your dead rag on the top of your head.

IF you wait for a Medic during a respawn game, you can only call for a Medic. Do not walk to a medic.

Dead men DO NOT TALK. They do not move. Be dead and still. 

Do not talk to teammates if you are dead and give them intelligence on the opponent. Dead men can’t talk! Dead men cannot use comms.

Do not leave the boundaries of the field during play. If you exit the field at the boundary areas, you must return to your re-spawn point. When in doubt ask, or go to the safe side. Boundaries – Chain link Fence, RR track rocks, field fence, gravel road, and of course the parking / staging area.

You must wait for Medic in the same spot you were shot plus or minus 3 feet or re-spawn at your designated re-spawn points. The respawn points will be designated at the start of the game.

No blind firing. Blind firing is firing at targets without presenting yourself as a target as you shoot. If you cannot see your target as you shoot, you are blind firing.* Pay attention to this around the cars and building windows, especially the prison windows.


There are no safety kills at AA. Please shoot semi auto and low if a player is unaware.


Remember this is a silly kids game.  From the first whistle to the last whistle remember your attitude makes a difference.  If you can remember to play safe, and play fair, we can work together to have a great day no matter if its 30 degrees and raining or 90 and beautiful.  Bring a good attitude, and an honest approach to fair play we have a great chance at having an outstanding day.

*If any rules are violated, you will be removed for the remainder of the game.
**Any violations, you will be escorted off the field and permanently banned from the field. There are no exceptions.

152 Johnson Avenue
Stuarts Draft VA

© August Airsoft LLC 2023  |  All rights reserved  |  Site design KWGraphicsandWeb

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