Please bring a good attitude and a desire to play fairly. Our number 1 goal is to be safe and have a great day outdoors. It helps us start on time if you can sign the safety waiver online before coming to the field. The field fee is $30.00 per player. Rentals are $15.00 each.
Our typical day starts with opening the parking lot at 12:30, registration from 12:30 to 12:55 and safety briefing at 12:55pm. The briefing is mandatory, if you cannot attend your ability to play is at the discretion of the admin.
Remember — Safety is the priority.
Call your hits. You must have a dead rag. A dead rag is required to play and the only way we identify eliminated players. They are free at sign in – please use it.
When in doubt, call yourself out.
The first games start at 1pm and are semi auto force on force in either Beavertown, Badgerville or Squirrel Town.
The objective is to grab a Bucket / Barrel / briefcase from the Center / Library and return to your starting point. These games are fast paced and usually last no longer than 10 minutes. We plan for as many games as possible here in the first hour, switching sides every game. This a no medic or respawn game. Dead is dead. We may also play a similiar center bucket game in Badgerville. Be ready to play fast paced warm up games to start the day.
The 2 to 3:45 time can be Hare University Flag control games, full field conquest games, or Attack and Defend games in the Trenches, Beavertown or Badgerville. This time frame is usually dependent on the enthusiasm of the crowd.
Multiple Teams. This is a game of assimilation. All players are Medics. Same team can Medic or opposing force can Medic and then join forces. The objective is survival and assimilation. Remember to make a call sign, and plan on lots of confusing situations. The last minute of the game results in having one giant team fighting against one player. Hard rules are you must be shot off of a team, and you must have a dead rag. Do not fake the call and answer, and do not switch teams unless you are shot off. Remember – at AA the dead rag must be displayed, and you need to be still and silent until a medic moves you with contact. Please say Hit Hit Hit, Good Job Good Shot.
The final whistle to end the day is at 5pm sharp.
We stage at 530 to 550, and then play Squirrel Town warm up games for thirty minutes, then break and go to Chaos. Tuesdays are Semi Auto only the entire night. During the Winter months, the Tuesday Night games are all dark. Be prepared. We have ten spring replicas if the players agree – sometimes these make for great fun. Note – If you are not able to attend the briefing at 555pm but are traveling from far away and will be late – let us know. Otherwise if it is raining and snowing or high winds, and it is just EMT and Brik, we may decide to go home instead of hoping someone comes late. The Tuesday night games are typically very small, and most players will use dual tubes, so dont be surprised if it is less than ten people in the winter.
A good attitude. Long sleeve shirt, pants, and gloves. Full seal eye pro. Preferably old clothes with a camo pattern, that can get dirty. Water to drink. Our emphasis is on the field, so we do not have a store or a food shop. Come prepared!
The Rental Package includes everything you need to play safely – replica, eye pro, face pro, battery, bbs all day, dead rag, water to drink.
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